Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thing aren't really going so good...

Okay, so about 2 months ago was Derek’s birthday party, when me and Dale decided to show Robert our music video that we made so that we can get investors for our company. So our video was called Boats and Ho’s and Robert didn’t know it, but we filmed it on his boat (we thought this was a pretty good idea, although he didn’t…) and ended up crashing it into a bunch of rocks at the end of the video. On the way home Robert pretty much lost it on us and we got into a huge argument which wasn’t very good!
 Well yesterday was Christmas Eve, but it wasn’t a very good day for our family, for one Derek and his family came over, but we were all stressed out. Dad decided he was going to go out and cool off and go the Cheesecake Factory. When dad came back home at like 2 in the morning, him and Nancy got into a huge fight. Me and Brennan were sleep walking and ended up taking all the presents and even the Christmas tree and putting them into Dad and Nancy’s room. Dad got all mad at us and though it would be a good idea to wake us up, which was not a good idea after all. In our confusion of being woken up, we pushed Dad down the stairs ( NOT GOOD!) So earlier Nancy and Dad told us that they were going to get a divorce and move out and that apparently the reasoning for this is that it’s all our fault… 

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