Thursday, January 26, 2012


Hey guys! Heres a story to tell you all…The other day when we were walking home from our interviews Robert set us up on, I decided it would be a good idea to walk down this alleyway for a shortcut but Dale didn’t want to go because there was a “bully” down that way. I forced Dale to go that way anyways because I didn’t want to go the long way, turns out the “bully” was this little kid with all his little grade school friends who made us lick dried up DOG POOP!!!! Yeah I guess you can say that was an interesting experience that sucked.
When we got home from the interviews, Derek walked out of the kitchen and started bragging that he had put our house on the market and that it would be sold soon. Dad gave me and Brennan money to put a down payment on an apartment and got us both therapists *ugh*. So a few days later we were scaring all the people away that tried to buy our house because WE DIDN’T WANT TO SELL IT!!! We dressed Brennan up as a dead guy in a shower curtain, we even pretended to be KKK members.

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