Thursday, January 26, 2012


Okay so here’s the deal everybody, me and Brennan know that we haven’t posted anything in a while but that’s because we have had so much going on. We have decided that this is going to be our last post : (…and we are going to catch you guys all up on what has happened so far in our crazy lives, so here we go…
So the day after mom and Robert announced they were getting a divorce, me and Dale stayed the night in the house by ourselves for one last time (mom and Robert moved out that day). Dale and I got into a fight and ended up attempting to kill each other, I hit Dale in the head with a shovel tried to bury him alive, we both pass out in the front yard after a while and wake up in the morning and decide to separate for good.
So I got a job in the Catering Business and Brennan got a job working with Derek at the helicopter company. Brennan convinced Derek to let him host the Catalina Wine Mixer and we got together with a plan to get dad and Nancy back together ( since they would both have to be there). So Brennan hires a sucky band to play that gets booed off the stage so I decide to step up and play the drums for everyone and Brennan gets up there with me and starts singing, and his beautiful singing brings dad and Nancy back together!
So a few a months after the Catalina Wine mixer, we are having dinner with Derek’s family and he apologizes to me! We all eventually get along with each other and I get a new girlfriend, my therapist. Dale finally tells Alice that they can’t be together. Me and Dale become very successful in our karaoke business. After we get done eating our dinner, mom and Robert tell me and Dale that there’s a surprise outside waiting for us and we all run outside to see what it is. Turns out, Robert had taken his crashed up boat and put it in the tree in the backyard for a tree house. When we got in the tree house they had put more presents inside like Chewbacca masks, playboys, and pirate hats! Even Derek and his kids got to have fun in the tree house with us!
(Brennan & Dale)
Well, this is the end of our story from this point on, we have other things we need to do now. We need to move on and live our lives but thank you everyone for listening to our dumb lives!!!


1 comment:

  1. Before Brennan got onto the stage and sang, why was Dale being disrespected and yelled at and booed?
