Thursday, January 26, 2012


So this is Brennan Hoff and Dale Doback! We are really excited to tell you all about us becoming step brothers because over the past few months we have had quite a few exciting experiences hating each other. This blog is going to tell you our story of our journeys both together and apart as new things happen in our lives, this should be interesting!....Well I guess me and Brennan should both give our sides of the story before we ever met each other, so here we go.
Well my name is Brennan Hoff and I am 39 years old and I live with my mom Nancy. I was recently fired from my job at PetSmart (who knew you weren’t allowed to take out the ferrets and dress them up?!?). I remember the day when mom came in the house and told me that she met some guy named Robert Doback and that they were going to get married, all I know is that I was so mad I ended up punching a hole in the wall that night….and the next day I went to the hospital for a broken pinkie, which sucks by the way.  Well, the day that my mom and Robert got married was pretty much the most depressing of my whole life, I sat all by myself the whole time and stared Dale down because I knew I was going to hate him….So, the day that me and mom went to go move in with Robert and Dale, I remember sitting in the car plotting ways I could torture Dale and get out of there as fast as I could. But that’s pretty much the end of my story alone, from then on its me and Dale together forever!
So here’s the deal, my name is Dale Doback and im 40 years old. I live with my dad Robert, I love playing Guitar Hero and I pretty much just sit at home all day long. Most of my story is pretty much the same as Brennan’s  except for punching a hole in the wall! How dumb can you get? Well I do remember the day I tried convincing dad that we should just let Brennan go live on his own because we could just “share” Nancy (he didn’t fall for it). The day Brennan and Nancy moved in I made it very clear that Brennan should NEVER touch my drums!!!

Well, I guess its time for me and Brennan to tell you guys our story together of being STEP BROTHERS!!!!! : )

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